
Yang Jinghua, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Autonomous Region, Visited Fuda Co., Ltd. to Investigate Vocational Education
2020-04-15 Source:本站  

On the morning of April 9, Yang Jinghua, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the people's Congress of the autonomous region, led the research team to carry out a survey on Vocational Education in Fuda Co., Ltd., accompanied by Zhao Leqin, Secretary of the municipal Party committee, and Zhang Xiaowu, director of the standing Committee of the people's Congress. Zhao Hongwei, director of Fuda and general manager of Fuda Co., Ltd., and Huang Guixia, deputy general manager of Fuda, reported the company's vocational education to the research team and went to the technical level identification center of Fuda Co., Ltd. for investigation.

Huang Guixia, deputy general manager of Fuda, reported the development of vocational education of Fuda to Yang Jinghua. Fuda seized the opportunity of the opening of national skill certification pilot in 2019, completed the establishment of vocational skill certification management scheme and management method under the guidance of experts from human resources and social sectors of autonomous region and Guilin, and successfully passed the on-site evaluation by the expert group of the autonomous region, becoming one of the first batch of independent skill certification assessment units in Guangxi. Fuda also vigorously develops vocational education through the establishment of Fuda college, senior management class and engineering technology class, equipment expert workshop, technical expert workshop and quality expert workshop, and cooperation with 12 Vocational Colleges in Guangxi. 

The research group has a detailed understanding of the enterprise's management mechanism, training facilities, curriculum construction, funding and related training. Yang Jinghua fully affirmed the vocational education and training work of enterprises and pointed out that the high-quality economic development needs to cultivate a large number of high-quality skilled talents, and enterprises and local governments should strengthen cooperation to realize resource sharing. At the same time, we should actively explore the new model of vocational education and training in the new era, and create more good experiences and practices that can be copied and popularized.

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